Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy focuses on a child’s fine motor skills, self-help skills, and sensory development. At MKE Therapy our therapists are trained to evaluate each child and develop a treatment plan to help the child reach their goals.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapists specialize in helping infants and children gain independence and reach their full potential when navigating their environment. PT focuses on increasing each child’s ability to participate in age-appropriate gross motor play. At MKE Therapy our therapists are trained to evaluate gross motor performance, identify impairments, and come up with a treatment plan to work towards goals.
Speech Therapy
Pediatric speech-language pathologists work to help children communicate effectively by assisting with the improvement of their speech and language skills, as well as feeding and swallowing. At MKE Therapy our therapists are trained to evaluate articulation, fluency, receptive/expressive/pragmatic language skills, oral motor coordination, and feeding. They then develop a specialized treatment plan to help the child reach their speech and feeding needs.